The RESTART® program is a 5-week class led by Amy Kihlstrom, Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (FNTP).

It combines the simple elements of up-to-date nutrition education, a guided 3-week sugar detox, with small group support into a powerful way to kick start a new healthy lifestyle.

let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food

What's Inside

A 5-week class (1 hour per week on Google Meet)
A 3-week sugar detox built-into the program
A small class of 10-15 participants
Group and instructor support outside of class 
A mailed-to-you hard copy of a RESTART®  Cookbook & Journal

Benefits of

• Improved health and overall wellness
• Improved digestion and regularity
• Improved blood sugar regulation
• Improved hormone balance
• Reduced inflammation and bloating
• Improved moods
• Reduced stress
• Learn to shop with confidence
• Learn to read and understand food labels


This is not just a class - it’s interactive participation.

We have a chat space on a private app where we can talk in-between class times about your food and your journey.

I provide a shopping list of what to eat with modifications for people who love to work out by adjusting your macronutrient intake so you can have more calories + energy for your workouts during the cleanse.

You grow every time you detox. Energy will move and things will come out of you - not just physically. Mental, emotional, and spiritual blocks detox out of you as well.

Get the RESTART® Cookbook & Journal!

The RESTART® Cookbook: A collection of delicious no-sugar-added recipes, plus great resources and meal plan.

The RESTART®  Journal: A three-month daily journal to track your progress and make connections between the food you eat, the habits you keep, and the way you feel.

Both shipped to you for free when you join!

When we started, I felt like I didn't belong. But to be here with you.., there is so much power. I can feel the vibration in my body.

This is the missing piece, the next phase of our evolution, and Amy is our
fearless leader.

I get really emotional about becoming more and more aware of the connection and the profound effect that food has on us in every single way -physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually...

Having Amy in my back pocket while I navigate healing my health issues and incorporating new foods into my diet has been a game changer for me to stay on track and really get the results I desired.

 I was struggling with binge eating, My eyes were pretty open already, but that was pretty epic in helping me to really zero in and realize how crappy I felt with eating certain ways. I don't know if I would be doing as well as I have been without the support of the program.

It's nice to have a refocus on what you're putting in your mouth and being cognizant around making those better choices. We get so busy in our lives that quick, convenient, and something that makes you feel good emotionally, but not necessarily physically tends to win out at times. The class is the right amount of time to refocus and help with that.